
Internet Unit The Net Closes In On Counter Feiters

A record number of 179,002 auctions were withdrawn from the web in 2009 by the FH Anti-Counterfeiting Unit. Compared to 2008, in which year 71,339 offers were taken off the market, this represents an increase of more than 150%. A new challenge beckons for 2010.

Closer examination reveals that the largest platforms involved emerged differently from the year. While withdrawals on iOffer rose from 64,454 to 172,036, the number of auctions closed on eBay fell by almost half (2,090 in 2008 compared to 1,058 in 2009).

These different outcomes can be explained by several factors. Firstly they represent a redoubled activity on the part of counterfeiters, particularly on platforms where it is possible to put hundreds of ads online at a time after they have been prepared in a simple file by the seller. Such is the case for example with iOffer, which moreover carries out no checks whatsoever of published offers despite the many promises of its directors. Meanwhile, the introduction of certain filters and requirements explains the decline observed on other platforms. Indeed a transfer of criminal activity has been clearly observed from some platforms to others. Last but not least, the third factor is the development and improvement of computer methods and withdrawal processes within the Internet Unit, evidence of a much higher level of productivity.

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