
SWATCH GROUP - Decrease of 8.1%

Operating profit reaches CHF 903 million or 17.6% on net sales, versus 21.2% in 2008.

Following publication of sales figures on January 20, 2010, we now present the unaudited Group key figures. This advance information will be followed by the distribution and discussion of the detailed annual report at the press conference scheduled for March 11, 2010.

• Group gross sales of CHF 5 421 million, on comparable basis (excluding 2008 divestmentsof Sokymat and Michel) -6.3% at constant exchange rates and -8.1% in total lower than in the record year 2008.
• Watch segment sales with a decrease at constant rates of -5.5% largely outperform Swiss Watch Federation export sales (-22.3% in 2009), gaining market shares for the Group in practically all price segments and markets.
• Operating profit reaches CHF 903 million or 17.6% on net sales (versus 21.2% in 2008), with a very strong performance in the second half-year (EBIT margin of over 20%) despite currency losses of CHF 105 million versus 2008.
• Net income amounts to CHF 763 million, -8.9% less than in 2008, with 14.8% of net sales exactly the same as in the previous year.
• Substantial equity of CHF 6 billion or 77.6% of total balance sheet (versus 75.3% in the prior year).
• Dividend 2009 proposed: CHF 0.80 per registered share and CHF 4.00 per bearer share.
• At the Annual General Meeting, the Board of Directors will propose reelection of its current members and in addition the election of Jean-Pierre Roth and Georges Nicolas Hayek as new Board members.
• A good start so far in 2010, January sales representing the second-best month of January in the history of the Group, with an excellent outlook for the Group for the rest of this year.

Group Overview

In a very challenging year 2009 with a worldwide recession, the Swatch Group recorded gross sales of CHF 5 421 million, a decrease of -6.3% on a comparable basis (at constant exchange rates and excluding 2008 divestments of Sokymat and Michel) compared to the record year 2008. This performance is substantially better than the export figures published by the Swiss Watch Federation (-22.3% in 2009), which means that the Group has once again increased its market shares in practically all price segments and markets. Foreign currencies negatively impacted sales by CHF 105 million or -1.8%, mainly in the second half of 2009. The month of December 2009 showed a very positive sales trend in the watch segment (+28.8% versus December 2008), with clear signs of market normalization.

After a temporary setback in the first half of 2009, the Group’s operating margin improved considerably in the second half year and achieved 17.6% (21.2% in 2008) for the full year. The main driving force was the watch segment, with a very convincing operating margin. Taking into account that foreign currencies as well as the gold price, an important raw material for the Group’s watches, did not develop in our favor, this represents a very positive achievement. In addition, the Group preserved jobs for its employees, maintained strong marketing activities and kept investment at a very high level.

Net income decreased by 8.9% to CHF 763 million compared to CHF 838 million in the previous year, and, at 14.8%, the net margin remained at the same level as in 2008. The Group’s balance sheet is still solid, with an improved equity ratio of 77.6% as at December 31, 2009 compared to 75.3% in the previous year, and also a much higher cash position. The average return on equity was a remarkable 13.3%.

The Board of Directors of the Swatch Group will propose the following dividend for 2009 to the Annual General Meeting on May 12, 2010: CHF 0.80 per registered share and CHF 4.00 per bearer share. Furthermore, besides the planned reelection of the current Board members, Jean-Pierre Roth, former Chairman of the Governing Board of the Swiss National Bank, and Georges Nicolas Hayek, Group CEO, will be proposed for election as additional Board members at the Annual General Meeting.

Outlook for 2010

The Board of Directors and the Executive Group Management Board are very confident of achieving further organic sales growth and improved margins in 2010. The main reasons for this positive outlook are the excellent start in 2010, increasing order entries as well as the improving economic environment and market confidence worldwide. In addition, the Group’s positioning in all market segments and its broad geographical presence represent important success factors in the watch industry. The solid balance sheet and the improved capability to generate cash flow will bring the Group in an even stronger position than before the financial crisis.

Omega’s mission as official timekeeper at the Winter Olympics 2010 in Vancouver, starting at the end of this week, is one of many positive factors that will improve sales in 2010. Furthermore, the opening of the Swatch Art Peace Hotel mid 2010, during the World Exhibition in Shanghai, will represent another milestone for the Group. In order to gain further market share and strengthen its worldwide presence, the Group will also take advantage of interesting opportunities in the different markets.

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