
How Expensive Should President Barack Obama’s Watch Be?

No doubt many of you would be aware of the President’s everyday watch a now infamous $300 Jorg Gray piece given him to by members of the Secret Service. There’s nothing particularly remarkable about the watch other than the fact that is standard issue to members of the US Secret Service and of course it has been seen adorning the wrist of the most powerful man in the world. However, it remains accessible to members of the general public and really is a watch of the people, so to speak. The same cannot be said for the latest timepiece Mr Obama has been gifted with though.

A Rich Tradition
Although there is no indication that the President has actually been wearing his new gift the lavishness of the gesture has caused some controversy. However, before we delve into that, let’s talk more about the watch in question, an Anniversary Heart Cricket watch from Vulcain.

I think it’s important to note first off that that Vulcain has been giving new US Presidents watches for over 50 years. It is part of the Cricket watch heritage and famously started with Truman who claimed the Cricket watches from Vulcain were fitted with an alarm that could actually wake him up. So to be fair this is not the first time their doing it, although it is pretty hard to overlook the significant marketing benefit involved for them too.

The piece itself is actually a very attractive, powered by manually wound Cricket calibre movement and features some stunning dial skeletonization. Arguably though it may be a little too flashy for President Obama given his relatively refined sense of style and understated manner of dressing.

The watch has been further personalized by an engraved message from Vulcain to the President which will feature only on this specific piece and will not be replicated on the pieces made available to the public.

It Cost How Much?
The key issue for many everyday observers is the cost of the Anniversary Heart Cricket which ranges from $6,500 upwards (depending on materials). When considered relative to other high-end Swiss Made watches this price range is probably quite reasonable, especially given that many of the watches featured on this site cost several multiples of that figure.

Having said that, the real question is should a man attempting to draw the world’s most powerful nation out of recession be accepting a gift worth $6,500 when everyday Americans can’t afford to pay their rent or put food on their tables?

I personally find that a bit tough to answer.
My love for fine mechanical watches conflicts with a greater duty of responsibility to my fellow human beings who are experiencing some very tough times. Yet really, the more I read that last sentence the more I realize how easy that question is to answer.

A Simple Solution
And so, I put forth a compromise. Vulcain has built a proud tradition of gifting watches to American Presidents for the last 50 years and they certainly should not be robbed of this opportunity. However, to make this a gift not only to the President himself but to the Nation he serves perhaps the best outcome would be for President Obama to auction this stunning timepiece for charity.

This would not only allow Vulcain to receive the recognition (and free PR) they deserve but also make this gift all the more meaningful. Indeed to me it seems that this lavish piece will probably never see the light of day anyway on the wrist of what I understand to be a very modest man.

So what do you think? Should President Obama keep the watch or should he auction it for the greater good? You know how I feel about this but I would like to hear how you feel about it. Who knows, perhaps if we generate enough attention then positive action may be taken and you can take comfort in the fact that you have done something to effect positive change in your world, however small.


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