
Graham-London History


British innovation encounters Swiss precision

Switzerland is regarded as the country of watchmaking par excellence. And yet some of the most significant complications were invented in the Great Britain of the 17th and 18th centuries, well before the industry had found its feet in Switzerland. Anglo- Swiss held- firm The British Masters take this fact into account.

Genuineness and distinctiveness are assured by resounding names such as John Arnold, a winner of the Longitude Prize and leading supplier of chronometers to British ships, and George Graham, watchmaker to the Astronomer Royal and father of the chronograph. Both genius earned their places on the Olympus of master watchmakers in the 17th and 18th centuries. Their work contributed to further increasing the supremacy of the Empire on the world oceans. The fact that some of the inventions by the two Britons are still in use in haute horlogerie to this day speaks for itself.

With creations characterized by innovation and authenticity, The British Masters continue to write the history of Graham-London and Arnold & Son.

Legend becomes the future, and the past becomes the present. The impossible is made possible. Thanks to the investment of much time and effort and extreme precision, The British Masters are creating timelessness.

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