
What Are Atomic Watches and How Do They Work?

The idea of atomic watches sounds a little exciting, doesn't it? Well, it may sound more exciting than it really is. The atomic watch will not blow up either. Actually, the atomic watch acts as both a radio wave receiver and a quartz watch. When the atomic watch cannot receive the time signal, it reverts to a quartz watch so that the wearer does not track of the correct time for long.

As a radio wave receiver, the wristwatch is able to keep the most accurate time according to the atomic clock of the country in which it is intended to be used. For instance, the American atomic watches will receive a low frequency radio signal from the U.S. atomic clock located in Colorado. European atomic watches will keep time according to the European country in which it was purchased. An American watch would not work in a European country because of the difference in transmitter frequency.

Within the watch case of an atomic watch, there is a small antenna. The small antenna receives the time broadcast from the atomic clock. In this way, the watch will provide the most accurate time because it will be in synch with the country's atomic clock. The atomic clock is powered by a battery or solar energy. When the battery is changed, the watch will set itself when it begins to receive the signal again. There is no need to rewind the watch.

Atomic watches will be the most accurate watch in any country in which the watches are worn. When a wearer travels out of the country, the watch will no longer receive the radio signal. At this time, the watch will switch over to a regular quartz watch. When the traveler goes back to their home country and the watch receives the time signal again, the watch will display the time according to the atomic clock in their country. If the you travel through the different time zones of your home country, you will be able to manually adjust the time zone on the watch to coordinate with the time zone in which you are located.

Atomic watches are constantly searching for their frequency in order to stay accurate. Sometimes, interference from a strong electrical field or blockage from a large building may shield the watch so that it does not receive the radio signal. If this happens, the watch will continue running from its last positive signal so that the time will remain correct. This means that you will not lose your accurate time even if you have temporarily lost the radio time signal.

As a radio receiver, atomic watches provide great accuracy for time and even style. Atomic watches are available for men and women in a variety of colors and sizes. You can find atomic watches made of plastic, rubber, stainless steel and other metals that are suitable for any budget. The accurate time provided by atomic watches marks this watch as the right watch for any time.

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