
The Evolution and History of Watches

There could possibly be no other thing in the world that holds a value of greater importance than that of time itself. Time ultimately affects every single thing that we do throughout our entire lives, and often times it can even affect when we do each thing that is planned out in our lives to be accomplished.

Every single one of us acquires a variety of different valuable assets throughout our lifetime, but time is possibly the most valuable one of all the assets that we could ever have.

Even in the very beginning times of civilization, everyone has had to have some type of a way to be able to keep time. Both the portable and the stationary sundials were more than likely the devices that were used by individuals so that they keep time during these earlier times of humankind. The archeologists and historians, who have applied a tremendous amount of research and time studied to time, believe that these devices that were used to tell time were more than likely developed in either Mesopotamia or Egypt. It is also known that the Egyptians would use the pyramids and the obelisks as a type of forerunner to the sundial that dates as far back as 1500 BCE.

One of the very first watches were have thought to of been created in Italy, somewhere around 1524 CE. When watches were made during this time however, they faced a big and frustrating problem. All of the watches that were created before the 1600s lacked enough sufficient driving power to allow them to be able to run correctly. The weights that drove the timepieces of this era, created a problem when it came to portable use, as in watches. A majority of watches that were made were only being constructed with the use of one hand. The watches would also have to be wound twice during each day, and this made the watches of this time extremely inaccurate.

The spiral balance spring was finally implemented into the world of making timepieces in 1675 CD. It would ultimately change the history of time forever. The way timepieces would be viewed from this point on would be with much more enthusiasm because of the better accuracy they could provide. The accuracy of time is extremely important, so this breakthrough was a very big accomplishment.

Instead of time ranging in accuracy to fractions of an hour, the accuracy changed to that of being fractions of a minute. During this time, the second hand was also added to the making of watches, along with the addition of Roman numerals to mark each minute. It took a little more time, but eventually, people would only have to wind their watches once per day, instead of once in each 12-hour period.

Of course much has changed since these times of very long ago. The fast paced and high tech world of technology that individuals of today have accessible at their fingertips, has drastically changed and greatly improved the making of watches of long ago.

There has been much better steel created that goes into their making, gears that are much more precise than they used to be have also been made, and springs that are crafted much more efficiently have been added to the quality workmanship that goes into the making of watches.

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