
Complete mastery of the timepiece 
Spirit and individual gestures
The spirit and the individual gestures of some twenty watchmakers and artisans culminate in the perfection of the mechanisms of each of the watches, which are progressively developed, crafted, decorated and tested in the Greubel Forsey workshops...

For the Inventor Watchmakers of La Chaux-de-Fonds, the mastering of a totally controlled production is the only means of meeting the extreme demands of the original mechanisms they have devised.
Inventing, elaborating, embellishing
The parts composing a Greubel Forsey timepiece are so distinctive and often so innovative and original that they require numerous stages of development and fine-tuning, which are accomplished during the time spent in the EWT® (eXperimental Watch Technology®) phase. This patient process of elaboration is the work of a small team of modern-day micro engineering wizards, capable of individually making each of the components of these 21st century complications.
Applying even more rigorous standards to invention

Within a watch industry that often proclaims that everything already exists and that there is nothing left to invent, the very fact of inventing new complications calls not only for ideas, but also and above all for numerous talents active in many sectors; precious talents that will make it possible to effectively convey ideas through the various phases of shaping, fashioning materials and defining mechanisms through construction, realisation and experimentation.

At Greubel Forsey, ideas are in perpetual motion and each gesture is in harmony with these principles.
Extreme quality shines out

The horological inventions of Greubel Forsey are first and foremost high-performance technical and architectural achievements. While all superfluous details are eliminated, the purity of each mechanism is perfected in an infinitely meticulous and delicate manner. Barrelled polishing or “berçage” as it is called in French, takes on its full meaning. The file, the burnisher and the reamer are a natural extension of the gesture that contributes to drawing light towards the more remote parts of the mechanisms.
The function of beauty
Contrary to certain preconceived ideas, the truth is very beautiful without any artifice and without needing to play with decorative effects, expressed in the pristine simplicity of perfection. While machines and tools may approach a certain level of perfection, bevellers actually attain it by dint of patience, knowledge, and quite probably passion...

Beauty at the service of complexity is a symbiotic relationship immediately grasped by individuals who appreciate harmony. A Greubel Forsey invention enjoys just such a privilege. The consistency and coherence of the many forms of expertise shown by all those active in the Atelier de l’Ancien Manège are a vibrant demonstration that there is still plenty of scope for progress in a field characterised by the Exceptional and by Perfection, and that no effort is spared to attain these ideals. Collectors are fully aware of this, and changing whims and fashions have no impact on this fundamental principle.

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